Bug: Demolishing Items Not Returning All Materials
Since the patch update (10th Feb) we've found that some structures when demolished are not consistently returning all materials. I've had this with a couple of workbench upgrades I wanted to move, another player with portals he was rearranging. For both of mine I got exactly one of each type of resource back rather than the full set. For the other guy it was half the resources.
Comments: 117
11 Feb, '21
<Hidden> MergedWhen using a hammer to dismantle wood stacks it drops anything from 30 to a single piece of wood. this is on a multiplayer server but the issue affect everyone playing. Inventory isn't full and there appears to be no wood dropped on the ground, it's simply gone.
11 Feb, '21
<Hidden> MergedUnsure what causes this, but only one player in our server is affected by it.
If he dismantles something, no matter who placed it, he will receive only one of each item that was used to craft it. Wasn't always the case either; like the rest of us, he receive a full refund of the item used in something's construction when removing it with the hammer or destroying it.
Some examples: dismantling a fermenter only yeiled 1 bronze bar, 1 resin and 1 fine wood.
Dismantling a pile of rocks (50 rocks) yeilds just one rock, same for the pile of lumber (50 wood). -
11 Feb, '21
<Hidden>This seems to consistently happen to non-host players demoing log/stone piles in my group.
12 Feb, '21
<Hidden>I can't be sure if it's related or not, but me and my friend observed something similar just a little bit ago. If one of us dismantled a wood pile that the other had built, we only got one wood returned. But when one of us dismantled a wood pile that they had built, we got the full 50 wood back. So it may be an ownership issue?
12 Feb, '21
<Hidden>This has been killing me lately. wood piles and stone piles giving back one resource instead of 50. Or my stonecutter not giving me back my iron, which is VERY limited for my group atm.
12 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Happened for woods piles several times (1 wood returned only)
a boat : 1 nail retruned, no fine wood, 1 skin :(
a portal (no cubes)
on a dedicated server -
12 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Ive been able to deconstruct my own wood pile and get the 50 wood but not with the stone one, got only one stone back, so i don't think that ownership affects it. No wards in sight.
12 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Please someone find out how to make this consistent, it's painful to lose your portal on the run
13 Feb, '21
<Hidden>I was playing on my brother's world, and I deconstructed our kiln, and only got back one of each item. We had to use the last of our surtling cores to remake it.
13 Feb, '21
<Hidden>We have experienced the same issue since the same update.
14 Feb, '21
<Hidden>This has happened to me as well. So far it's for sure happened on the Fermenter, Dragon Bed, Portal, and Raven Throne. It's not tied to ownership as it's happened on items I've craft. Haven't been able to repeat it on purpose.
14 Feb, '21
<Hidden>i only got 1 iron bar instead of two when deconstructing a stonecutter, was my only iron so couldn't build a new one.
running latest as of 2021-02-13 on dedicated linux server -
14 Feb, '21
<Hidden>I can somewhat confirm this, tried moving our forge and the pieces I removed with hammer didnt refund everything, but my friend (and host) got everything.
14 Feb, '21
<Hidden> MergedDuplicate of https://valheimbugs.featureupvote.com/suggestions/158747/bug-demolishing-items-not-returning-all-materials ?
14 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Seems to be a host/client or latency issue rather than it mattering who built the structure. Demolished plenty of things(built by me and others) on a dedicated server with the game only returning 1 of each ingredient but it never ever happens when hosting my own game. Cannot find a common factor apart from that.
15 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Where the things fully repaired? I noticed if the items were damaged and you demo them you only get a portion back. I haven't run into it since repairing first.
15 Feb, '21
<Hidden>We have been seeing the same. Today when we dismantled wood piles and also, rock piles, we only got one. Also we dismantled the kiln to move it and only received one core and one rock. I was the one that built the kiln and I was the one that dismantled it. Also one of the wood piles I made I also dismantled and got only one. The others I am not sure who made what but I am sure on the wood because it was only like 15 mins and I needed it back. Anyways we have stopped making piles and setup chests under a structure outside to hold wood and rock until it gets fixed. As far stuff like the kiln... I dont see any work around. We first started seeing this behavior a few days ago but it is definitely getting worse.
15 Feb, '21
<Hidden>I have had this happen on a friend's server when destroying things requiring Surtling Cores but only one core was not returned.
15 Feb, '21
<Hidden>I'm suspicious this is a manifestation of the de-sync/lag bug. You can generate the inverse behavior by stuffing way more than 20 coal in a smelter on a laggy client. The problem is one of authoritative control, in this game the clients are authoritative so things are likely to get confused.
15 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Just reporting the same issue. Deconstructed wood piles, got 1 wood, not hosting the game. Stone seems ok.
15 Feb, '21
<Hidden>The 2 instances I've confirmed this happening are: 1) I demolished 3 wood piles that I built and getting 52 wood, assuming 2 of the piles only gave 1 wood back each and the 3rd gave me all 50; 2) I demolished a smelter another player had built and only got 1 stone and 3 surtling cores back. I was hosting the server both times.
15 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Happening to me annoying frequent to the point we stopped stacking wood and stone and instead we now put them in chests again.
Non-dedicated server, windows, happens even to me (I am the host) regardless of having built the items myself or not. -
15 Feb, '21
<Hidden>I got the same issue, we are playing on a locally hosted dedicated server. So far I'm the only one in our group whose noticed it happening. Mostly when demolishing piles of wood and stone.
16 Feb, '21
<Hidden>I was hosting and experienced this. 100% failure to return more than 1 material when breaking anything that has been built. Owner didn’t matter. Wood piles, walls, etc. we did have terrible latency,
16 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Friend and I bought Valheim yesterday and played with no issues at all, but today we're running into this material refund bug. My friend (who is hosting) is being refunded full material costs while I am only getting one of each type of material used in construction. I learned this when I tried moving some rock piles and my smeltery. Mah surtites!
16 Feb, '21
<Hidden>This bug may be related to player desync and how the game registers what materials were contributed to the build. This will sound confusing, but hear me out.
During a period of intense desync, several structures were built, and demolishing them returned minimal materials (1 of each mat). We recognized the desync issues right away and restarted the server and then continued to build. Items built after the desync was cleared up correctly returned 100% of materials, however, any items that were build during the desync but demolished after server restart still only provided minimal materials.
Perhaps when desync is occurring, the server takes the materials client side and creates the object, but server side the material quantities are unable to be validated, making the created object look like only 1 of each material went into construction. We've been trying to force desync again and haven't had any luck yet, but will test this extensively when it happens again. -
16 Feb, '21
<Hidden>I have the same issue. But it happens to my own log piles too. I only get one wood returned.
I had built the log piles less than a minute earlier -
17 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Same thing happened to us last night, dedicated server. The owner placed a Portal, broke it down to move and it only gave back 15% of the resources.... We initially thought maybe it had todo with "Received Damage" on the Structure(Item) or something. Once its damaged you get less back... but yeah we had Log Piles/Stacks do the same 50 stack returned only 1 wood. We also lean towards the "since the mini patch" this started happening.
17 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Same... Happened (noticed) with: tanning rack (returned 1 leather scrap, 1 deer hide, 1 flint, ? wood) portal (1 fine wood, 1 core, 1 eye), workbench (several times - 1 wood). Multiplayer (not a host). No idea how to reproduce: seems random, structures full health. Maybe it something with netcode or server load: i died once while was loading outside of troll cave, grave stone was already outside (while troll was inside and not near exit).
17 Feb, '21
<Hidden>I have noticed this as well, client connected to host server on the same network. I demolished a kiln and only got one core back. same with log piles. After the host and I both restarted the game I was able to get all resources back. Is it somehow related to how long the server has been running?
17 Feb, '21
<Hidden>This seems to happen when you don't have enough space in your inventory (either slots or carrying capacity)
17 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Same here, me and my mates lost 90% of our portal materials when we wanted to move it like 20m... :(
Had to sail back to base and get the items again, HUGE time consumer, and super frustrating! -
17 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Built a temporary portal in a swamp when a friend died. Then we got him back, started building a base, and wanted to move the portal into safety from all the garbage creatures that kept attacking it. 1 core, 1 fine wood and 1 graydwarf eye back. Stranded af.
18 Feb, '21
<Hidden>This keeps happening to me when I’m not hosting. For example, spiked walls I've built sometimes only return 1 wood back versus 4 all within moments of destroying each one. It’s odd, but I believe it happens to people not hosting more so, and it’s frustrating to say the least. I’ve lost many materials over this issue since it doesn’t always happen, but does happen pretty consistently.
18 Feb, '21
<Hidden>All of the above happened to me too. Also when picking up processed items from windmill gives only one item (Had 9 processed) Just have to wait for them to drop. Playing on my own dedicated server.
18 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Also reporting this issue:
I was on my friends server, deconstructed a smelter that I originally placed, only received 1 stone and 1 surtling core in return.
Occurred on version that was live February 17th, -
18 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Happened twice to me recently.
Once with a portal where I only got 1 eye 1 surtling core and 1 fine wood back. It was at destination so we had to hunt for grave chambers and birch trees...
Then again with the bellows where I only got 1 chain, 1 deerskin and 1 wood back. Frustrating since those chains were kind of a pain to get ... -
18 Feb, '21
<Hidden>This has been occurring since day one and seems to be completely random. This could be occurring due to inventory space of the player at the time, a syncing issues during that moment, a triggered server save at that time or various other things. localizing it will be tricky as it functions randomly. If anyone has come across a way to reproduce this each and ever time for a specific item maybe the devs can localize this issue. I have experienced this myself with the Stone Bench. Stone bench destruction for example should yield a return of 2 iron. Destroying it 10 times, twice it returned only 1.
We also need to keep in mind that other players vacuum suckers, just from walking by could also be the cause for many players agreeing with this and should have their friends check their inventories but this is a valid bug that I am sure a large portion of the community has noticed and felt.
Good bug, good write up. TY OP! -
18 Feb, '21
<Hidden>I have experienced this bug. I suspected it was due to my hammer being still equipped. Since then, I have unequipped my hammer before picking up the items, and have gotten them all back (small number of tests, a small amount of time with normal play). With the hammer equipped, I suspect I was only getting one of each type of item. Hopefully this helps debugging.
18 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Demolished my smelter and my stonecutting bench and both only yielded one of each respective Bar, wards or no wards it's happened multiple times as well as with wood/stone piles
18 Feb, '21
<Hidden>This has been happening to me frequently for the last two or three days. Playing on a friend's server (not third-party hosted). Lost hundreds of wood while demoing log piles that I was using to store wood in a construction zone, then just happened again when demoing a charcoal kiln and some core wood posts. Only getting one of each mat back instead of the full mats. It's really frustrating when most of what I enjoy in the game is experimenting with building structures, which also requires a lot of demolishing...
18 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Following up, it's not unique to buildings created pre-patch. Just had it on a relatively fresh server where the building (forge) was demolished within around 1 minute of it being placed (undamaged) for the first time. Only got a single resource back per type.
19 Feb, '21
<Hidden>We have this issue when destroying log piles, but not stone piles. Also, seems to happen with portals returning fine wood. Both log pile and portal only return 1 wood and 1 fine wood, respectively.
19 Feb, '21
<Hidden> MergedWe had a couple of stack broken open not drop any wood at all.
19 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Dedicated server on Windows 10, two clients connected, went to move forge and related additions and didn't get all of my resources back. This is new for us after one of the recent updates. Had to go into single player and cheat in replacement items.
19 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Can also confirm this is happening, destroyed a stone pile, got 1 stone back, destroyed a stonecutter and lost iron. Happened with workbench upgrades too, just random amounts of partial resources are returned. Happened while playing multiplayer.
19 Feb, '21
<Hidden> MergedWas the stack out side? Was it damaged? If yes, Repair it then dismantle it.
19 Feb, '21
<Hidden> MergedThis happen last night with my wood and stone piles.
19 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Happened to me when a giant smashed a bunch of my wooden spikes. I didn’t receive any core wood back but I received all my regular wood back.
19 Feb, '21
<Hidden>happens to host players too, I host and frequently happens to me, when dismantling anything, furniture, portals..