Fix the Tombstones randomly vanishing
Basically, I just died in the plains biome, and my friend told me "Your tombstone just disappeared". I got back to the place of my death, with the icon still on my map, and my tombstone was literally deleted from the server. All my silver gear, my 950 gold Mejingjord belt, all my stacks of food, weapons, every single thing in my inventory deleted. I've now lost hours upon hours of hard work and don't really have any further desire to play the game.
At the very least I wanted to report it here so it hopefully doesn't happen to people in the future.
Comments: 29
12 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Sadly it happent to me as well
12 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Same happened to me in Plains just now
18 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Well this happened to me now, i was fighting Bonemass with my friends got killed semi between water and ground "trying to get to optimal pickup area" so i could engage him fast again, but no grave lost all my fully upgraded iron armor, also i tried random clicking the whole area where i died even the same spot to no avail.
19 Feb, '21
<Hidden>A similar thing happened to me just now while I was defending my garden from a brute in the meadows. I lost all of the things I had worked on getting up until this point in the game. I feel so defeated. This happened after the patch update that supposedly fixed this issue. I hope this helps to fix the problem in the future.
19 Feb, '21
<Hidden>recent update changelog adresses this problem was worked on but it still does happen, like tombstones are sometimes glitching through the air or hovering in unreachable heights or get caught in some built structures
this happens in a form where i as the one who dies can not see my tombstone near the death marker on the map, whereas a buddy of mine can see the tombstone 100m off, near his position but can not interact with it
neither can i see the tombstone on his position when i go there
kind of similar things happen with monsters sometimes, they can only be seen by some players, flying around weird - other players can not see them but can hear them
maybe there is a connection between these flying/glitching around objects -
19 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Lost my tombstone after 100 hours played
19 Feb, '21
<Hidden>here's a clip of a weird gravestone bug my friend ran into while we were playing. it got attached to an enemy and he couldnt see it but i could. i could not interact with it though. you can watch more of the bug event on the VOD. -
20 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Had a friend on my server tombstone move around and render wildly different places. Sometimes it would show up in the right place but disappear or not be interactive. Can give location of tombstone and world data if needed. Tombstone seems to exist somewhere but the client can't figure out where to render it properly
20 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Same here. My friend died in the plain biome and his tombstone disspeared.. Max level all silver gear gone. Literally 10 hours of hauling silver gone. And its after the patch too. Everything was fine before.
20 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Also just lost all of my stuff after fighting bonemass. Playing on a server. Killed him successfully then we took on a draugr spawner on the way back, and I died. No tombstone, and all of my stuff gone. Really takes the enjoyment out of the game.
20 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Still have this problem. Two Tombstones disapear in 2 hours of gaming...... All our stuff is away......frustrating....
And also there are many bugs.....There are spawning randomly Logs or Blue eyed Monsters, the other players didt see them. -
20 Feb, '21
<Hidden>I had the same problem, I lost all my iron equipment
20 Feb, '21
<Hidden>This is a rough one, two of my guys lost corpses one after another trying to climb a mountain. The tombstones would seemingly teleport on top of another player but be unable to be interacted with. This one is rough and will really kill willingness to play in a lot of players. Especially if deaths are lag-related. Hoping this one gets a top priority.
21 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Sadly it happent to me as well two times to day whid 6min apart
on a server .
but i havede more stuff on my singelplay server .
need to be fixst .
this hapend the 2021/02/20 .
ty in forhand -
21 Feb, '21
<Hidden>same thing happed to me and my fried the same game at the same time with end game gear. many hours of progress vanish.
21 Feb, '21
<Hidden>The same thing just happened to me with full iron armour, iron weapons, and much more rare gear that took me days to achieve. I hope that there is a way to get it all back.
21 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Same but in the swamp.
21 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Happened to me 4 times, twice when i was full iron stuff.... I'll just stop the game and wait the fix of this issue. I love this game but this bug is just killing my gaming experience...
21 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Same thing happened to me right of the Plains. I had full wolf gear, the serpent shield, drake helmet, harpoon, frostner, mejingjord belt, my wishbone... countless hours. I definitely feel defeated at the moment.
22 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Four of us were fighting the Bonemass when one player's tombstone just vanished never to return. A bit later my tombstone and another player's moved to just behind the summoning skull by the clue tablet, where neither of us had just died, perfectly overlapping, and mine became non-interactive before vanishing upon next death. The other tombstone on top of mine was fine and I'm not even sure the other player had his move on his end due to how hectic it was at the time.
23 Feb, '21
<Hidden>In single player even after you 'resurrect' yourself the marker remains on the map. Also you may die multiple times in an effort to get back to the original 'death spot' only to find there are no multiple markers for each 'death' or you may find your death spot but no marker. Seems to occur sometimes inside buildings.
23 Feb, '21
<Hidden>same here. got killed by a wolf and upon return my tombstone is gone but my deathmarker on the map is still up. kinda many hours of work
23 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Had this happen after 145.6. Seems like the 'fixes' involved the tombstone following the WRONG player around.
To Elaborate: I died near a friend, and when I came back my tombstone seemed to be missing, but then I noticed the tombstone was literally following a different player around, who also had died nearby. I told them to remain still, but I was unable to loot the tombstone. I also told them to move to where my death marker was on the map, but by that time the tombstone just suddenly vanished.
As a last ditch effort, I also tried restarting the server (I am host), but that did not seem to help.
I ended up restoring an old character backup, and thankfully did not lose much. -
24 Feb, '21
<Hidden>20 minutes ago,I was within sight of my wife and mine's base in a meadows, got attacked and died..Wife went to grab stone from my grave while I was respawning, but there was no grave to either of us.
24 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Ah yes, it has happened again. Also everything I dropped outside the troll cave has vanished as well (I was trying to avoid everything disappearing with the vanishing tombstone, but alas).
I had a good run with this game but this is a deal breaker. The persistent death marker and dropped items were key to my interest in this game. Can't play or recommend anymore, sorry. -
24 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Happened to my friend twice in 50 hours actually. In Meadows and Plains. I actually got a clip of it -
24 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Like Soulfreezer I died fighting Bonemass and couldn't find my tombstone. Turns out the tombstone was nowhere near the marker on the map which might have been the marker from my previous death. So the tombstone was not actually missing but not where I was led to believe.
24 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Happened to me today.I saw the tombstone wandering around, then it was a few feet from where I died, but I couldn't open it (no menu). I then logged out and logged back in. But the tombstone was gone. All my equipment gone :/
25 Feb, '21
<Hidden>It has now happened two more times. I'm tired of cheating in my items every time I die to a deathsquito or wolf. The server doesn't even crash, the body just disappears.