Stone structure randomly missing pieces
We have a stone building where pieces of it are randomly disappearing. Stone floors, and wall pieces which are set as blue and not red.
Comments: 28
12 Feb, '21
this is happing to us aswell -
14 Feb, '21
<Hidden>This is happening to me as well. 5-6 pieces of my wall are just gone every time i come back to my base.
15 Feb, '21
<Hidden>This happens to us as well - ive also seen it happen with wood floor tiles.
15 Feb, '21
<Hidden>I've had the same issue while playing on my friend dedicated server. I'm building a massive castle around my friend houses and when i come back to the base random stone walls will be despawned. Hard to build a structure with it randomly removed the stone walls.
This is also happening to spikewalls. I'm about ~50 hours in and 1.5 land masses explored with multiple building.
Wondering If there is a personal item limit per person? -
15 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Update: I have deconstructed one of my old bases to see if a object limit (if that is in the code) is server wide. I placed new stone walls and will evaluate if that fixed the issue or not.
16 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Update: After deleting one of my bases on another continent, I don't have walls disappearing. If your reading this can you test it and confirm it fixed the issue?
I'm going to request one of the other guys on the server build a section of the wall. We will see what happens. I will update this as needed. -
16 Feb, '21
<Hidden>I had to do a server restore after the power went out on us while playing, since then im having the same issues., and not just limited to stone.
16 Feb, '21
<Hidden>This is happening on my G portal server with two people playing. Not just stone but wood and benches also. I have also found that these missing objects might be spawing in other locations around the area of our base. Player 1 can see the object but player 2 can't see it and after player 1 cannot remove the object anymore but still sees it. Going away from base and back will make the object disappear for both players and sometimes the raw resources will on the ground.
17 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Made a stone floor and some walls, above that a wood construction. Every now and then they get randomly destroyed and the materials laying around. Even some wood tiles (all the way up to the roof) get wrecked.
AND we made the observation, whenever someone used the nearby portal ( coming back from wherever to the building), there was a 50/50 chance that things get destroyed. -
17 Feb, '21
<Hidden>This happened to us when we went from me hosting my world (with about 3-5 people on it, no issues I saw) to running a dedicated server from a hosting site we bought. It happened to stone floors, chests, and stake walls so far. I would drop about 40 stone floors, go out to get more stone, come back, and about 3-4 of them were missing or slanted funny on a 45 degree angle (usually missing though).
Sometimes my friends can see them and run over them and it appears that they are running on nothing and I fall through them (looks like I'm falling through stone floor to them). They arent being destroyed either because its green when I place them and there is no stone after they disappear (lose the materials). -
18 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Another update: I continued to build my castle and didn't have any issues after destroying two other bases. Now that I'm getting about half way done with the castle I am again starting to get random objects disappearing.
18 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Same here. but its not 5 or 6. huge parts go missing 20+ tiles will randomyl go missing. my friend can see on his but I cant, or the opposite happens. Love the game but can we have this fixed. makes it hard to build a small village.
18 Feb, '21
<Hidden>My friend and I are having this same issue while building a large stone wall and other smaller wooden structure. Random pieces of our ceilings and walls are going missing. This seems to be an issue only with structures built after the update on the 16th. Everything that was built before then has stayed intact. Please help us with this as it is VERY discouraging to try and build anything if you are not sure it will still be standing when you comeback from getting more mats.
20 Feb, '21
<Hidden>This is an issue on my self-hosted dedicated server as well (1-4 players online at any given time). We haven't even finished building half of the stone wall that will be containing our village. Blocks of stone are continually disappearing. Both CPU and RAM usage are completely normal.
21 Feb, '21
<Hidden>It only happens with stone structures as far as I can tell. For me, they break immediately. Easy repro: put a stone pillar into the ground (blue) & attach a stone staircase on top of that pillar. It will break, even though there is sufficient structural integrity. Also happens when trying to put the hearth on slightly elevated but still blue/green wooden floors
21 Feb, '21
<Hidden>My friend and I are running into the same disappearing structure bug on the new castle we've started. Enough of the initial structure disappeared to discourage further efforts. Our original base is spread out with roads and fences on our starting island, and none of that is disappearing. While at first I thought this was tied to using a portal, the old base has a portal on the dock and it never caused this bug. However, the new base when you leave and come back will lose pieces, whether leaving by portal or just walking away. I think Aphid might be onto something that a recent update changed something to cause this.
21 Feb, '21
<Hidden>I have a theory what may cause this issue: With larger bases, you see all the structures and terrain changes slowly loading in front of you. What happens now is that while it's loading, some function is triggered that checks if the structure is still supported. And sometimes it happens that some parts don't have yet their supporting parts being loaded yet. I think it's a different function than the stability check we usually encounter, but a different one maybe left to get rid of generated floating structures that just deletes them (otherwise there would be item drops).
This also could explain Step's experiences. With fewer parts, the general loading is faster, so the issue is triggered less likely. -
22 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Yep same with our server, i demolished my house to build a stone castle, and when it didn't work it killed my motivation to keep playing.
Please fix this asap -
22 Feb, '21
<Hidden>It happened to us as well on a dedicated server.
However, making sure to level up the ground below the stone foundations, and by that I mean everywhere below it, seems to have fixed the issue on our side. -
22 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Hello there,
We are 3 on a server and are experiencing the same issue. One of us is building, doesn't matter if this is the builder or not some pieces are randomly dissapearing for one or two players ; the one who can see it can't destroy it (or interact : it happens too with the gates).
It can occurs when we change the direction of our camera. I wonder if it is linked with an other issue : the host see some creatures or object following us (like an remanent image) but it is also can be earable by the others or detected by tamed creatures (our boars were scared about an invisible leech). Deco/reco solve the problem but it can occurs again randomly. -
23 Feb, '21
<Hidden>My brother and i started farming for stone today to construct a stone wall around our base and the walls starting disappearing. Now after we started using the stone to build with, entire items full of stuff that took days to farm also disappeared while looting items from them. At this point we don't want to play anymore until this issue gets resolved. we have already lost lots of hard earned items.
23 Feb, '21
<Hidden>We have just started building a stone keep on a g-portal dedicated server, and this happened to us as well. Random stone walls / floors go missing when we log back in.
23 Feb, '21
<Hidden>We have the same problem like Aphid. Losing wooden parts (Walls/Roof) of our building, also our porter was gone. without damage of surrounding structure.
24 Feb, '21
<Hidden>This has been happening to me as well. I've only noticed it with stone. I'll be building on a friend's server, relog and random pieces are missing. I think it's more than just missing though. We've come across randomly placed stone blocks in the land not too far away from the house. I think the game forgets where they are placed and just picks a random spot in the world nearby. I've noticed probably a related issue where the piece is where I placed it, but the orientation and rotation is random and not what I placed.
24 Feb, '21
<Hidden>I am also experiencing this with a stone wall surrounding our base, as well as occasionally wood poles, fences, etc. There are also blocks appearing super skewed in ways they normally cannot be placed as well, like stone blocks that are typically horizontal changing their orientation to be tilted, skewed, rotated, etc.
28 Feb, '21
<Hidden>This seems to be related to base reloading, something many of us wish would be changed a bit so it doesn't effect structures as much. Because this is going to cause a lot of upset to those who like to build big builds.
28 Feb, '21
<Hidden>i saw on reddit this has something to do with portal, so i tried it and when i came back to my (freshly built) stone base, some pieces went missing, so i just took the portal back again and my little brother stayed there to check, he saw some block just disappeared in front of him
01 Mar, '21
<Hidden>Stone structures go randomly missing after returning from trips. Really sad to see entire structures collapse if the missing pieces happen to be the ones connecting everything to the ground.