"Ghost" enemies after playing for several hours
I host a server with 5 other friends. After playing for over 5 hours with no issue I started noticing "ghost" enemies that I could see but my friends could not.
1. A deer teleported on top of a friend's head on our boat while we were exploring a river. It stayed on his head as he walked around the boat for several minutes, then just disappeared.
2. A Graydwarf near the Elder spawn that I got 0 dmg numbers when trying to kill. It followed me around without attacking for maybe 30 minutes while we prepared to fight the Elder but stayed at the Elder, ie when I took our portal back to base it wasn't there, but when I portaled back it was.
3. (Screenshot) A skeleton that just started teleporting wherever I was, remained for a couple minutes, then disappear and reappear somewhere else. This one did not show damage numbers when I tried to hit it.
A restart of the game/server fixed the issues, but I couldn't do it before because I was hosting and had several friends online.
Comments: 4
17 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Had a similar issue with a skeleton. We raided a crypt and i had to leave and when i came back in the host was fighting 3 skeletons but only 2 were visible to him. Skeleton then appeared b
ack to our base. Rendered in my client but not for host. Enemies visible to both of us were attacking the skeleton, but it was docile and unable to be damaged like it didn't exist. Aside from that great game! :D And even this bug was entertaining, lol. -
17 Feb, '21
<Hidden>One of my skeletons was bugged in a rock formation near a burial ground as well (to make it more annoying it was an archer). Possibly from the initial spawn when the world generates.
21 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Had this too with a drake and wolves that followed me everywhere.
21 Oct, '21
<Hidden> Admin"Ghost Deer" (suggested by Brandon on 2021-10-21), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.