Single Player (Profiles) bringing in resources to Multiplayer Servers
I have players using cheats in Single Player who spawn/gather hard to get items/resources, then join the server and "deposit" it.. this defeats the purpose of exploring the map if people can bring resources from local client saves into a shared server.
Comments: 24
15 Feb, '21
<Hidden>That seems more of a moderation issue to take care of for each individual server. Everyone I have talked to likes the idea of helping others out by being able to have htem learn recipies after giving them their gear. It is really up to whoever runs the server to put rules into palce and hand out punishments to people who break them.
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15 Feb, '21
<Hidden>This seems like a core issue to me to allow public multiplayer servers. Without saving chars server side, there will always be cheating issues. How are devs going to handle this? or will the game only ever be played among trusted friends?
16 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Servers need an option to only allow new characters
16 Feb, '21
<Hidden>I don't believe this needs adjusting. You are meant to only bring people you trust to your server (hence the password and low player slot limit...). And several times we had to spawn in an item that disappeared when we dropped it, or a full bronze set lost because we had just upgraded a friend who then black screened and had to restart (which means his character didn't save and he lost that full bronze). I think this is fine how it is.
EDIT: Wouldn't be a problem adding a toggle option for server owners to allow or disallow spawned items, however. -
18 Feb, '21
<Hidden>The allow or not allow spawned items would be great.
18 Feb, '21
<Hidden>All servers are are locked, with a max of 10 player. An admin would be pretty easy to debate ethics with a player and then ban them. Not a big issue in my opinion.
18 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Completely aree with @InterrobangTf2
My friend and I even play pvp vs matches. I trust him not to cheat and vice versa but they need to fix item loss before even considering completely removing this option.
It should be introduced as a server setting; which they also desperately need to add so please upvote it -
18 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Other games, Terraria comes to mind, have this same mechanic as well. While there are always people that have complained about it since the game released, the majority are okay with it. The host can set whatever rules they like and can talk to anyone that doesn't follow them. Worst case scenario you decide that the player is not a good fit for you and your server and you ask them to leave or ban.
18 Feb, '21
<Hidden>This is a mod issue for sure. I wouldn't expect the developers to 'fix' something that isn't broken when you can ban people.
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19 Feb, '21
<Hidden>I wouldnt mind seeing "server only" characters that are saved to the server rather then locally. Would stop people from cheesing ore through portals. since people seem to take they're ore to single player world put it in a chest then go back to multiplayer go through portal. return to single player get ore, and rejoin multiplayer.
Would also stop cheaters (which is more of a mod issue but still). There is a need for different levels of admin access though, so you could make a server that's 'creative' by giving players access to item spawns and no build requirements.
This would also help with lost items due to client crashes and other issues. Since the player would be saved on the server. -
19 Feb, '21
<Hidden>You can't use portals with ores but you can "teleport" with ores through relogging between worlds. That doesn't make any sense. So, there has to be at least an option to prevent players bringing in stuff.
19 Feb, '21
<Hidden>I think the best way to handle this is to create a toggle on world creation to choose whether players can bring in items and/ or level progression.
That way the server themselves could choose whether you could drop in fully equipped / fresh and naked like a new character / equipped but with no skills / or naked with all your skills. -
20 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Im guessing you havent spent much time running servers those who are against this..
you are requiring ADMIN TIME to moderate this easily abused mechanic, because the devs decided to allow client side profiles, easily abusable, its ok for small time friends who play, but larger communities its impossible to moderate and enforce..
I dont even see why its a thing, if you play on a server you should be restricted to that server, and Terraria is a bad example, its well known for exploiters and griefers..
I would love to be able to "trust" players but this day its impossible when you have a large community of over 1,000 people playing your servers.. and limited admin time.
Atleast give a server config to restrict transfer of items.. so the admin can decide.
otherwise i can just go into single player, spawn in OP stuff, go server hopping, find a few passwords, join and screw with people and then leave.. yes people get their jollies doing this... -
20 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Honestly I can fully understand your issue with players "Faking" their efforts, but that seems more like a personal issue you and the other 9 people on your server should be able to figure out.
but to play devils advocate here, I also play on a decently populated server with like 6 or 7 other people, and sometimes when i'm playing by myself on our server I can't get anything done playing by myself because there's the group house to repair, crops to maintain, boars, attacks, etc.
to be fair, i could choose NOT to worry about those things, but the other players shouldn't have to suffer the repairs because i wanted to play.
so I hop on a personal world, and farm resources and whatnot there, and personally I don't believe that's something I should be barred from doing.
Thank you for your time and attention. :) -
21 Feb, '21
<Hidden>This to me is exploiting. Everyone can find a reason to justify it. Doesn't make it right. If devs did not intend for this action it should be fixed.
21 Feb, '21
<Hidden>100% server admins need a way to set limits and/or toggle on/off the feature that allows players to join any other world (including a single player world) to get rare resources (easy to cheat to get them in SP game) and then bring them to my multiplayer world. Defeats the purpose and spirit of the intended design.
21 Feb, '21
<Hidden>I love the feature to be able to grind on your own in your "own" game and then join a friends game with your gear and progress. If you have problems with this its only due to bad moderation and allowing "anyone" into your game. I play solely with 2 friends and my wife behind a passwordprotected game and have never had this fun in any game before. And when Im not online my friends can still grind materials needed for the "evenings raid to a crypt" in their own games. You will never be able to prevent cheating in singleplayer so just stay away from playing with strangers. Or just att it to a create server option where people can join with their charachters and gear or have to create a new one.
22 Feb, '21
<Hidden>This is the only resource I had when my boat simply VANISHED in the ocean after I had a connection lost. I had to quickly log in single player to drop my itens, go back to my server, DROWN because this bug and then make sure I didn't lost anything because this feature. So, I like the way it is now...
22 Feb, '21
<Hidden>- Items spawned using the console "cheats" should be tagged as such.
- Server admins should have the option to deny connection to the server if any such items exist in the player's inventory. -
22 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Deffo a mod / server admin task i'd say - its not game breaking.
I think there are alot more high-priotity issues to be looking at that one. Having it as a "option" i think would be best way forward, but not hard enforced. -
23 Feb, '21
<Hidden>Not a bug, pick your friends and don't give the server password to randoms.
24 Feb, '21
<Hidden>This is an issue that's hard to moderate though. It's very easy for a player to sneak items and resources in without anyone knowing where they came from. In my group of friends, I have people who enjoy cheating and will continue to do so even if I ask them not to. I don't want to ban them from the server entirely, I just want the means to enforce the rules.
That's why making this an optional setting on the server seems like it would be the best solution. A simple checkbox. If true, the server uses the player's local inventory, allowing them to transfer times between worlds as they can now. If false, the server only uses its own internal version of the player's inventory, so the player can only use items that they found or crafted in that server.
If you want to get really complicated, there could be a third option that allows you to transfer items into the server only after they have been legitimately discovered by a player on that server. Making it the best of both worlds. -
28 Feb, '21
<Hidden>They can stop it. All they have to do is not allow items with no "Crafter" on the armor and weapons. In terms of raw material, yea idk if they can do anything.
04 Mar, '21
<Hidden>Character file which stores inventory, stats, etc.. should also track if "imacheater" commmand was used. Characters which used imacheater command atleast once shouldn't be allowed to join online or lan game. Second option is some config for dedicated servers and checkbox to client server to allow cheater characters to servers.