Aiming is broken when playing on a controller

1 votes

When using weapons/tools the character interacts with the object he aims at instead of what we point at with the cursor.

Example 1:
- Stand in front of a tree
- The model points at the tree
- Move the camera 180deg (move away from the tree)
- The model still looks at the tree (the camera moved, but the model didn't)
- Use a weapon/axe

What happens:
- We hit the tree with the weapon

Expected behaviour:
- We hit the object we point at with the cursor (e.g. the enemy we noticed when chopping the tree)

Example 2:
- Stand in front of an enemy
- The model points at the enemy
- hold the attack button
- The enemy moves
- Follow the enemy with the analogue stick still holding the attack button

What happens:
- The model hits where it pointed at when pressing the button while the camera/cursor points at something else already

Expected behaviour:
- The model should follow the cursor and change the target while the camera moves.

Under consideration Suggested by: wujek_bogdan Upvoted: 19 Jan, '22 Comments: 1

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