0.215.2 Dedicated Server Crossplay Issue - PC players can't connect when crossplay enabled

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- Windows running dedicated server 215.2
- Windows running Valheim 215.2 (same PC as dedicated server)
- Windows running Valheim 215.2 (different PC from dedicated server)
- Xbox Series S running 215.2

In-depth steps:
"Normal" Behavior that's expected - When running the dedicated server on the Windows machine without the `-crossplay` flag, both PC's running Valheim can connect to and play on the server without issue, but the Xbox player cannot.

"Unexpected" Behavior - When running the dedicated server on the Windows machine *with* the `-crossplay` flag, both PC's running Valheim _CANNOT_ connect to or play on the server (Visible in the server list, but get the "Failed to connect" message after attempting to join the server), but the Xbox player can join without issues.

Note, this only applies to the dedicated server. If one of the PC players starts the multiplayer game in Valheim directly and enables crossplay, the other PC player and the Xbox player can both connect.

Under consideration Suggested by: <Hidden> Upvoted: 26 Apr, '23

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