Dungeons with "RandomRotation" have different seeds on different playthroughs

262 votes

Dungeons with random rotation (Such as burial chamber) will have different dungeon layouts EVEN ON THE SAME WORLD SEED.

That is to say, the dungeon layout is *always* random, and that randomness is not connected to the world seed like it should be. Other dungeons (Such as mountain caves) do not have this problem.

To reproduce the issue simply

1. Create world with seed 'test'
2. teleport to 318 635
3. teleport to 203 -501
4. Use BepEnEx or similar to note dungeon logs (example attached)
5. Create NEW world with seed 'test'
6. teleport to 203 -501
7. teleport to 318 635
8. See that unity logs show dungeon seeds are DIFFERENT in second world than first

This happens because:
1. Location rotation is not properly tied to the seed
2. Some dungeon generator components are offset from the center of the location
3. Dungeon seeds are determined by the component's exact position

Contact me on discord for more info (wd40bomber7)

Known issue Suggested by: wd40bomber7 Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 10

Comments: 10