When Valheim updates, previous boss map markers don't match new boss locations

15 votes

When Valheim update features new locations being added to the world, it has to ensure that both old and new locations are distributed across the world in a balanced way.

In order to ensure that, the game will procedurally re-generate all of the undiscovered portions of the world. This will result in old undiscovered locations getting a new position on the map.

The downside of this implementation, is that old map markers for Boss altars won't match the new Boss altar locations. Map markers won't get updated as they are a part of a character save, and not the world save.

If players want to get an accurate Boss altar map marker, after the new update, they will have to interact with Boss Vegvisir once more.

Updating map markers will be considered in later stages of development.

Under consideration Suggested by: MaCarBre Upvoted: 13 Nov, '23 Comments: 9

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